Upcoming interventions

On 16 October 2019 I’ll be presenting at the Encuentro académico ‘Argentina transatlántica‘ at the U del Salvador (Buenos Aires) a paper titled ‘Para una teoría del debut transatlántico: Clara Silva en Buenos Aires, 1945’.

On 30 September 2019 I’ll be giving the opening lecture of the International PhD Programme in Comparative Studies – Universidade de Lisboa. My topic will be “Comparative Literature and Linguicide”.

On 27 September 2019 I’ll be presenting a paper titled “Ghosts and Liminal Europe” at the Workshop “Europe–Literary Liminalities” at the Universidade de Porto. I’ll be exploring two prima facie incomparable objects, namely, Galiza/Western European and Galicja-Галичина/Eastern European Galicia.

On 29 May 2019 I’ll be presenting at the V Congreso LETRAL ‘NOVÍSIMAS. Las narrativas latinoamericanas y españolas del siglo 21‘ at the U de Granada a paper titled ‘Mercado global sin “original”: (auto)traducción, (dis)locación y disemiNación‘.